Showing posts from August, 2024
Introduction In the dynamic business landscape, effective enterprise management and assessment frameworks are pivotal to achieving organizational sustainability, economic impact, and business growth. The WRISTS framework represents my pioneering and …
In the quiet village of Morahang, Shalleri of Terhathum district, nestled in the hills of Nepal, there stood a home known as "Baraalbaari." The Baraalbaari was a place of reverence, a symbol of tradition and honor, where the Bhattarai famil…
In our rapidly evolving world, the need for collaboration and innovation has never been more pressing. To tackle complex global challenges and foster sustainable progress, it's essential to bridge the gap between academia, business, and governance…
The survey identified multiple constraints hindering the growth of MSMEs in Nepal. It aimed to assess the current business environment and its impact on MSMEs, with the findings intended to inform Public-Private Policy Dialogues (PPDs) at the local, p…
The countries like Nepal can adapt the fundamentals of Japanese business management. Various aspects of Japanese business practices and innovations, such as Komatsu's strategy to challenge Caterpillar, Seiko's approach to customer motivation, …
प्रा. डा. राज कुमार भट्टराईले आफ्नो जीवनमा गरेका अनुभव र देखेका परिस्थितिहरूलाई केन्द्रित गर्दै तयार गरिएको यस पोडकास्टमा उहाँको व्यक्तिगत यात्राका आरोह-अवरोहहरूलाई समेटिएको छ। एउटा सामान्य पृष्ठभूमिबाट उठेर अनेक स्तरमा योगदान पुर्याउनुभएको उहाँको सं…
प्रा. डा. राज कुमार भट्टराईद्वारा तयार पारिएको चौबिस अक्षरको गायत्री मन्त्रले नेपालको सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक विकासका लागि नितान्त नयाँ दिशा प्रस्तुत गरेको छ। यस पोडकास्टमा, उहाँको उक्त मन्त्रले कसरी देशको दीर्घकालीन विकासको लागि मार्गदर्शन गर्दछ भन्ने व…
प्रा. डा. राज कुमार भट्टराईको यो अन्तरवार्ताले व्यवस्थापनलाई देशलाई एउटा समृद्ध राष्ट्रको रूपमा उभ्याउने सशक्त माध्यम बनाउनुको सट्टा कक्षाकोठामा पढाउने विषयवस्तुमा मात्र सीमित बनाइएपछि उत्पन्न उहाँको गहिरो मन दुखाइलाई उजागर गर्दछ। व्यवस्थापन शिक्षा …
Welcome, esteemed readers, to the Enterprising Ecosystem ! As my tagline, “Inspiring Minds. Igniting Innovation” suggests, this blogpost is dedicated to fostering a reciprocal interdependence directed to bridging ideas across academia, business, an…
This presentation explores key financing models for smallholder farmers in Nepal, addressing the unique challenges they face in accessing financial resources. Smallholder farmers are the backbone of Nepal’s agricultural sector, yet they often encounte…