
Period: From 01/03/2023 to Present
Donor: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada
Position: Principal Investigator
Project: Promoting innovation and inclusion in growth potential enterprises in Nepal
Tasks description: The project is an experimental research spanning for three years. The research compares innovation support programs initiated by the government of Nepal in anticipation of developing MSMEs. Key tasks are designing and leading a baseline survey and four follow-up surveys of over 1200 entrepreneurs consisting of the beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the innovation support programs. In parallel, implementation of need-based interventions in 42 enterprises for their growth.

Period: From 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024
Donor: The Sumitomo Foundation, Japan
Position: Grant Recipient/Principal Researcher
Project: Exploring the Michi-no-Ekis of Japan in search of adaptable business schemata for promoting business innovation in Nepal.
Tasks description: Visiting selected Michi-no-Ekis in Shikoku areas of Japan, and making observations on their structure and functioning, completing a questionnaire survey, and interviewing key personnel at the Michi-no-Ekis. 

Period: From 01/01/2022 to 31/01/2023
Donor: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Project and : Ensuring business innovation fundamentals: Exploring Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in impact delivery of innovation support programs across small and medium size enterprises in Nepal. 
Tasks description: Questionnaire survey design, and leading the project team

Period: From 22/02/2021 to 25/03/2022
Client: The World Bank Group (WBG)
Position: Team Leader
Project: Assessing the business pulse of Nepal’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to understand their operation, challenges and support required during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tasks description: Questionnaire survey design, and leading the project team

Period: From 05/08/2022 to 15/12/2022
Client: Habitat for Humanity Nepal
Position: Financial Literacy Expert
Project: Mid-term evaluation of financial inclusion of marginalized women in Nepal. Assessing knowledge and awareness level of beneficiaries on financial literacy and safe shelter.
Tasks description: Designing questionnaire, and completing the questionnaire survey

Period: From 15/08/2020 to 14/05/2022
Beneficiary: Tribhuvan University, Nepal Commerce Campus, MBM Program
Position: Principal Researcher
Project: Financial literacy and access to finance: Status and impact assessment of academic and non-academic program interventions on the women and marginalized people in Nepal.
Tasks description: Research design, and leading the research team.

Period: From 01/06/2020 to 30/09/2020 
Client: International Labor Organization (ILO)
Position: Team Leader
Project: Rapid impact assessment of Covid-19 on enterprises and workers in the informal economy
Tasks description: Designing the survey research, and leading the research team. Under the condition of lockdown, the assignment required an extensive use of virtual tools from preparing proposal to reporting the impact under the condition of the Covid-caused lockdown. 

Period: From 01/05/2020 to 30/11/2020
Client:  Practical ACTION
Position: Team Leader
Project: Review of cooperative management plan and assess their state of implementation to bring the knowledge and learning of their contribution to livelihood diversification, as well as addressing the issues of climate fragility risk 
Tasks description: Designing the research and survey tools. The assignment required an extensive use of virtual tools from preparing proposal to reporting the review under the condition of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Period: From 01/11/2019 to 31/03/2020 
Client: Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)
Position: National Consultant
Project: Mapping for partnership opportunities and small market opportunities for young married women and unmarried adolescent girls. 
Tasks description: Designing research, and leading the team. Development of training manual for Income Generating Activities (IGA). Training/program need assessment for economic empowerment. Preparation of business plan template.

Period: From 15/03/2019 to 14/10/2019
Client: Mott McDonald
Position: Team Leader 
Project: Business climate study
Tasks description: Designing and delivering a survey on post-earthquake business environment in construction sector. 

Period: From 01/11/2017 to 30/04/2018
Beneficiary: Tribhuvan University
Position: Team Member 
Project: Tribhuvan University Vision 2030
Tasks description: Acting as a key team member, virtually reviewed the university systems of 39 countries around the world. Prepared and presented three different approaches, and best one was finalized by the team.

Period: From 14/03/2014 to 14/08/2014
Client: Nepal Television
Position: Team Member 
Project: Organization and management survey
Tasks description: Designing the survey tools. Identification of Skills Gap/Training Need Assessment (SG/TNA) for senior executives.  

Period: From 01/04/2011 to 03/08/2011
Client:  Vishal Group
Position: Business Research Specialist
Project: Assessment on the Nepal's life insurance industry 
Tasks description: Preparation of a comprehensive report on life insurance industry structure, performance, and regulatory environment in Nepal.  

Period: From 23/10/2009 to 15/11/2010
Beneficiary: Tribhuvan University Central Library 
Position: Principal Researcher
Project: Library strengthening project
Tasks description: Preparation of policy report for the development of Tribhuvan University Central Library (TUCL) as a national research library. Skills Gap/Training Need Assessment (SG/TNA) for library personnel.

Period: From 24/06/2003 to 24/09/2003 
Client: Purbanchal University
Position: Team Member 
Project: Monitoring and evaluation of the University affiliated colleges
Tasks description: Working as a key team player in monitoring and preparation of evaluation report with suggestions for academic and administrative quality improvement of the affiliated colleges.